Upper/Lower Bodyweight
Note that this is just a simple text summary of this routine, when you assign this routine to your programming you will interact with it through the guided workouts with exercise videos and more on the Fit Happens, Pro app.
A four-day a week routine (two upper body and two lower body workouts) that uses progressive bodyweight exercises that can be adjusted for any fitness level. Ideal for intermediate or advanced trainees who want to build a great physique or get stronger and who have access to a pullup bar or gymnastics rings.
Workout Schedule
This workout schedule is designed to be repeated indefinitely. Use the progression instructions listed in the Progressions section to make your workouts more challenging over time.
- = Rest day
Upper Body
Goal | Logged Reps | Rest |
6-12 reps | 1m30s | |
6-12 reps | 1m30s | |
6-12 reps | 1m30s | |
6-12 reps | 1m30s |
Goal | Logged Reps | Rest |
6-12 reps | 1m30s | |
6-12 reps | 1m30s | |
6-12 reps | 1m30s | |
6-12 reps | 1m30s |
Goal | Logged Reps | Rest |
6-12 reps | 1m30s | |
6-12 reps | 1m30s | |
6-12 reps | 1m30s | |
6-12 reps | 1m30s |
Goal | Logged Reps | Rest |
6-12 reps | 1m30s | |
6-12 reps | 1m30s | |
6-12 reps | 1m30s | |
6-12 reps | 1m30s |
Goal | Logged Reps | Rest |
10-20 reps | 0m45s | |
10-20 reps | 0m45s | |
10-20 reps | 0m45s |
Lower Body
Goal | Logged Reps | Rest |
6-12 reps per side | 1m30s | |
6-12 reps per side | 1m30s | |
6-12 reps per side | 1m30s | |
6-12 reps per side | 1m30s |
Goal | Logged Reps | Rest |
6-12 reps | 1m30s | |
6-12 reps | 1m30s | |
6-12 reps | 1m30s | |
6-12 reps | 1m30s |
Goal | Logged Time | Rest |
15-45s | 0m45s | |
15-45s | 0m45s | |
15-45s | 0m45s |
Goal | Logged Time | Rest |
15-45s | 0m45s | |
15-45s | 0m45s | |
15-45s | 0m45s |
Goal | Logged Reps | Rest |
10-25 reps | 0m45s | |
10-25 reps | 0m45s | |
10-25 reps | 0m45s |
General Workout Instructions
**Supersets & circuits
Progression Instructions
Bodyweight Progressions
Each bodyweight progression is a list of exercises in order of difficulty (easiest to hardest). Wherever a bodyweight progression shows up in your routine, pick an exercise from the progression that’s challenging but not impossible for you to do for the prescribed number of reps. Once you’ve gotten stronger and are able to do more reps with the chosen exercise you should move up to a more difficult exercise.
Pushup progression
Row progression
Shoulder progression
Pullup progression
Russian curl progression
- Easy sliding leg curl
- Torso-raised sliding leg curl
- Shoulders raised sliding leg curl
- Sliding leg curl
- Single-leg torso-raised sliding leg curl
- Half Russian curl with one arm assist
- Arm supported single-leg sliding leg curl
- Single-leg sliding leg curl
- Half Russian curl
- Arm assisted Russian curl
- Russian curl negative
- Russian curl
Glute progression
Plank progression
- Rep/Reps/Repetitions – A rep is is when you do an exercise in its entirety a single time. For example, if you did 20 pushups that would be 20 reps of pushups.
- Set/Sets – A set is a group of repetitions of an exercise that performed consecutively, usually (but not always) without stopping or resting. For example, if you did 20 pushups without stopping that would be a set of pushups.
- s/secs/seconds – For some exercises like planks, you’ll be given a time to hold the position for instead of a number of reps. This is the number of seconds you should hold the position for.
- 3×8, 4×12, etc – This is a shorthand way of saying “3 sets of 8 reps”, “4 sets of 12 reps”, etc.
- RM (5RM, 1RM, etc) – RM is an abbreviation for “repetition maximum”. It’s a term used to describe the maximum amount of weight you can lift for a given number of reps. For example, your “5RM” is the maximum amount of weight you can lift for 5 reps.
- Per side – For exercises that are done one side at a time (e.g. single leg exercises) this means you should do the given number of reps for one side first and then do the same number of reps for the other side.
- X+ reps/seconds – If a set is given as “X+ reps/seconds” that means you should do as many reps/seconds as you can, shooting to do at least X reps.
- AMRAP/AMSAP – For the given set you should do “as many reps as possible” (or “as many seconds as possible” if it’s a hold exercise like a plank).
- For time – For the given set you should do the prescribed number of reps as quickly as possible, splitting up the reps and resting as needed to finish all prescribed reps.
- Unbroken – An unbroken “for time” set is one where you didn’t need to rest to finish all the reps in the set
- Supersets/circuits – For exercises grouped into a superset (2 exercises) or circuit (3 or more exercises), loop through the exercises in order doing a single set of each. Keep looping through the exercises doing one set at a time of each until all sets are complete. E.g. if you had a superset with 4 sets of pullups and pushups you’d do the 1st set of pullups then do the 1st set of pushups then the 2nd set of pullups then the 2nd set of pushups etc until all 4 sets of each exercise are finished. You should still be resting as prescribed between sets of exercises.
- A cycle – some workout routines are divided into “cycles” which are just parts of a routine that last for some number of weeks and focus on some specific aspect of training before switching to the next cycle with a different focus. For example, some routines might have a 6 week “work cycle” that focuses on progressing and pushing your body to its limits and then an easier 1 or 2 week “deload cycle” that gives your body a chance to recover.
- A workout cycle – a workout cycle is a single loop through every unique workout within a cycle. For example, if you have a cycle that has you doing workouts A, B, and C every week for 4 weeks, a workout cycle would be 1 week. But if the routine had you doing workout A, B, and C on odd weeks and D, E, and F on even weeks a workout cycle would be 2 weeks because that’s how long it takes to loop through every workout.